Mace Engineering Technologies Logo

I was tasked to design a logo for Mace Engineering, this logo would be used mainly in a digital landscape.

Logo V1.png

These were some initial designs and they were not the best. Instead I played off the idea of a mace the medieval weapon used in battle.

Logo V2.png

Screenshot 2020-09-01 at 11.10.33 am.png

Although these designs looked better than the initial ideas they still didn’t have the look I was after. After some feedback I was told to follow this idea.

logo v3.png

I went with the suggested letter box design. Initially I wasn’t sure how to line everything up so I had to use YouTube University which gave me the method for creating this. To ensure everything lined up I used 8 bit lettering. Although this style looked nice it didn’t evoke the technology aspect of the logo. After some research of popular technology logos I decided a smoother more rounded typography was needed.

Logo V4.png

I did a couple variations where one arrangement had a more 3D aspect and the right had just a 2D styling. Once the overall shape was decided it was time to play with colours.

logo V5.png