When I was doing exchange in the Netherlands I completed a class called 'Design Experience'. This class was probably my favourite of all the classes and it really was different from anything I had ever done before.
The project started off with using a simple shape and forming it to look like a single shape.
This was the shape I chose to look at. There were 7 others to choose from but I thought I could do the most with this one.
After this stage it was next to design a product that was inspired by the chosen effect on the shape, I chose the image on the far right.
I came up with a couple ideas for a shower, but the aim was something that wrapped around the user using the likeliness of the initial shape. The final idea was this shower that was like a conch shell covering the user while also having the slit opening. Next was to Computer generate the design and render it. The modeling was done in Solid Thinking Evolve and then rendered in Keyshot.
Final renders.
Douche is Shower in Dutch